Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

As Christmas Day winds to an end I sit here and reflect on how truly fortunate I have been this year. It's been a year of starting a business, making new friends, and even outgrowing a few. But it all been worth it. I'm currently with my love and our munchkin in a small coastal New England town where he grew up. I'm gaining wonderful inspiration for new items but more importantly for a new way of life. I challenge each of you to make one change for a healthier you. Whether you need a healthier mind, a healthier body, or a healthier way of thinking and processing life let's come together as a community and as a human race. Happy holidays fans. Make the most of every moment and the universe will thank you.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A country in mourning

Today we awake to realize that the nightmare in Connecticut yesterday was reality and not the ghoulish dream we'd hoped. It sinks in that twenty children between the age of five and ten are being claimed by parents who won't see them open their gifts on Christmas morning. Let us also keep in mind the victims' families of not only this, but the mall shooting that claimed two lives.

I'm not going to politicize gun control using this platform. I have my opinions about the situation and current circumstances but the issue is that a very deranged man took the lives of innocent babies. May we all hug our children a little tighter today as our thoughts are with the mothers and fathers who don't have the chance to hear I love you again.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Spring Preview.

I've been debating many spring items to bring into the inventory and I must say I'm so excited for all of the great things that are coming. New wreaths, jewelry items, and hair bows in the season's hottest colors. Is there anything you'd like to see added? I'm always open to suggestions. I mean, Pinterest is where I get a ton of our ideas from. And Jeanine has great ideas. But truthfully the best designs come from you! So be sure to submit your images!! Also, beginning January 1, 2013 we will have monthly contests and giveaways that will only be announced here on the blog so be sure to subscribe. :). Thanks for giving us your love.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Vacation

I've posted this on the page, but I'm going to print it here as well. My love and I will be traveling this season so I won't be taking any custom orders that need to be ready for Christmas beyond December 17.

That being said, I have created an album for the page of all of our ready to ship inventory. These items are already made and will be processed and shipped within forty-eight hours of purchase. I'm just trying to clear out space for our spring lines which will be introduced mid January. The album has no prices listed per item, so you set your own price! Just go to the page, check out the goods and have fun with it.

So, are there any special items you'd like to see brought to our inventory for spring seasons? Be sure to comment here or visit the page and let us know. And tell your friends about it as well. We're three fans away from someone winning a Starbucks gift card. :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Liquidation sale!

There's a liquidation sale happening in the page! I'm trying to clear out rts items before the holidays. :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday is here!!

I hope you all have enjoyed your holiday with famiky.  Whether you're celebrating traditions you grew up with or starting new ones with your family, the holidays are always a time of awesome.  At least, they are to me.  :)

So here's the deal-our fans and customers really are the greatest in the whole wide world.  Today is Cyber Monday and on the Facebook page, we're celebrating by offering 25% off all new orders.  Because super awesome fans follow our blog, I'm going to extend the sale to those who pay attention.  Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 27, 2012 through Saturday, December 1, 2012 all new orders placed will receive 15% off.  Simply use the code FanFun15 when placing the order.  This discount code can be applied to sale items, holiday decor, and even gift baskets!!  Happy Holidays, and thank you so much for helping a Stay at Home Mama live out her dream!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Approaching a weekend

First of all, thanks for visiting again.  Secondly, Jeanine is the coolest and bestest friend ever.  She gave me my Christmas gift early and jump started my thrust into current fashion trends.  Now to brainstorm a perfect gift for her.....

As for the business, we've had a productive week.  No new orders have come in, but she's been making wreaths and I've been packaging up completed items and repairing shoes.  We've also started talking about our 'after Thanksgiving' promos and our future plans.  Exciting things are coming to the page.  At least, I'm happy about it.

Now comes the interactive part of today's post.  I'd LOVE if you guys would comment here or visit the page and let us know what you'd like to see next from us.  Do you love headbands?  Do you crave more holiday decor?  Perhaps a gift basket is more your style.  Whatever it is, we genuinely like talking to people and just want to ensure we're reaching all of our fans. 

Now, because my sinuses are under attack from nonsense, I am off to sip more hot water with lemon and honey and cuddle with my loves.  My head hurts too much to keep looking at a screen.  :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Greetings and salutations from CCB&G!!!  We've decided to implement a blog as an addition to our Facebook Business page as well as our Storenvy Store Front.  First of all, thanks for visiting us, and taking a few moments to listen to what we have to say.  I'll start the blog by introducing myself, and telling you a little bit about me and what the business means to me.  Jeanine will join the game with an additional posting, and at least once a week we'll update with either a tutorial, a new product release, or something else that's tons of fun.  So, here we go!!

My name is Jen.  I started CCB&G almost a year ago, because I was a SAHM looking for something to fill my time during naps.  I decided to try my hand at making hair bows.  Since then the crafting and creating has grown to include not only hair flair, but holiday and home decor as well as customized gifts.  I get a lot of my inspiration from www.pinterest.com.  Sometimes I will go window shopping and recreate things on my own.  That's how we ended up with a Pet Boutique.  Yes, your fur babies can get glammed up too!  Anyway, a little more about me.  I'm 30 years young and have an almost 2 year old Princess.  We tend to call her Munchkin, but thankfully she does know that this is not her legal name.  :)  She is my test dummy for toddler hair flair, as well as the stability of a few things....if she can't break it, then it's good to go!  Her daddy and I are happily cohabitating together in a marriage like fashion (ie we live together, pay bills together, shop together, entertain together, etc...just not legally married).  I am a former EMT as well as a former Wedding Planner...I feel like I've done so many things in my life, yet nothing really at all.  The greatest accomplishment I have by far is my daughter.  I hope that CCB&G can be a successful third place. 

Jeanine has been my bestie in every aspect of the word for so many years now; it's like we're sisters.  Goodness knows her mother couldn't have handled two of us growing up, hence the friendship now.  She's been my consult and confidant for what seems like forever now; and she's given me wonderful advice.  I asked her a few months ago if she'd allow me to make it official.  She has brought me so much business, and wonderful ideas, and she's my chariot to the rescue anytime that I need to go get supplies or mail a package.  She's my go-to gal for anything I need.  So partnership seemed natural.  And it really is.  She's so modest though...still finds herself saying "you made this" instead of "we".  It will come with time though.  Hopefully she doesn't run from the madness that accompanies artists.

So, back to the business...to tell you everything that we make would be entirely too much and you'd get bored and close the page. So I won't do that.  I will, however tell you that we offer things for everyone; not just females.  Men are harder to shop for, but not usually with us.  We customize everything we do.  We are so passionate about everything we create, so it's as if you're getting a piece of us in every item.  Come check us out at www.facebook.com/CreativeCuties to find baby boutique items, gift baskets, holiday decor, and so much more for today and every day. 

Thank you for reading, thanks for your support, and be sure to like our page.  When we reach 500 fans, we're giving away a Starbucks Gift Card!!! <3  Jen