Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

It's hot. Summer is in full swing and who doesn't love being outside in the heat?  Most people use summer time to soak up nature's vitamin D, enjoy time with friends and relish in the beauty of the outside world. I bet some of you take your dogs outside with you. Did you ever ask them if they're too hot?  (If you did, did they answer??). My point is that even the fur children in our lives get hot and sweaty. So how do we cool them off and get them to feel like this:

Well, it simple. You Frost Them. Little Dehlia's Frosty Collars are a wonderful New England based company with the most creative design to cool our pups. The owners and designers, Andy and Annie have come up with the most genius idea yet. COOLING COLLARS. Yes. Cooling collars. In a variety of patterns and sizes, this patent pending design is top notch and will keep your furry baby happy in the sun. What do they look like?  Well, like this:
Are those the only patterns?  Nope. Multiple sizes and patterns are available. Even for the patriotic pup in your life
I don't know about the rest of you, but here in the southeast it gets HOT. Add in three long haired dogs like mine and you need Little Dehlia's Frosty Collars in your life by your pups will love you even more for it. So how do you get them?  It's so easy and awesomely simple. Visit
You'll find all the product information, images, products in stock for sale an much more. Social media site links so you can follow their Etsy and Facebook feeds too!  So go, visit Little Dehlia's Frost Collars and let your pups chill. 

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