Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

It's hot. Summer is in full swing and who doesn't love being outside in the heat?  Most people use summer time to soak up nature's vitamin D, enjoy time with friends and relish in the beauty of the outside world. I bet some of you take your dogs outside with you. Did you ever ask them if they're too hot?  (If you did, did they answer??). My point is that even the fur children in our lives get hot and sweaty. So how do we cool them off and get them to feel like this:

Well, it simple. You Frost Them. Little Dehlia's Frosty Collars are a wonderful New England based company with the most creative design to cool our pups. The owners and designers, Andy and Annie have come up with the most genius idea yet. COOLING COLLARS. Yes. Cooling collars. In a variety of patterns and sizes, this patent pending design is top notch and will keep your furry baby happy in the sun. What do they look like?  Well, like this:
Are those the only patterns?  Nope. Multiple sizes and patterns are available. Even for the patriotic pup in your life
I don't know about the rest of you, but here in the southeast it gets HOT. Add in three long haired dogs like mine and you need Little Dehlia's Frosty Collars in your life by your pups will love you even more for it. So how do you get them?  It's so easy and awesomely simple. Visit
You'll find all the product information, images, products in stock for sale an much more. Social media site links so you can follow their Etsy and Facebook feeds too!  So go, visit Little Dehlia's Frost Collars and let your pups chill. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Delightful Dessert

The sweetly talented Ms. Tiffany Anderson baked a treasure for me!  Her home based business, Delightful Desserts was running a Facebook contest and I won!  Me!  I mean, I never win anything so it never occurred to me that I may actually win. But I did. So we talked about preferences and pickup times. I went today to get my awesome cake and oh. My. Gosh. 

Look at how cute that is. And the flowers are adorable. 
My munchkin was so excited about a purple cake because purple is her favorite color this week.

She was more excited when I sliced it. 
This thing tastes as good as it looks!  I could eat the whole thing if I weren't so concerned with my figure. :) if you're local to the upstate, visit Tiffany and let her know you'd love one of her delightful desserts.

Double Trouble

I title this entry 'Double Trouble' because today marks a wonderful day for Jeanine.  The poor gal was working two full time jobs and raisin four kids so I went from seeing her three days a week to once every three weeks. But yesterday was her final day at her secondary employment which means (drumroll please) I get my bestie time back. :). 

To celebrate today we are headed out to lunch and to pick up a cake from Delightful Desserts. I'll blog about it once its here!  

Seriously, tell me what tutorial you'd like to see next. :-)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tutorial time!!

Ok guys and dolls, here it is; my tutorial for how to turn your jeans into a cute denim skirt. Now, even after I've told and shown you how to do this, if you still decide you'd rather not try it yourself let me know. I AM available for custom jobs, always. 

Now you know you have a pair of jeans sitting in your closet that are either too short, or the hems are threaded from you walking on them. Or maybe your little one (or your dog) or even you have spilled something on them and they have a stain. You're still holding on to them. I just know it. Well, pull them out and let's get to work!  It's summer time and denim skirts are always in style. Lets transform your old jeans into something fabulous. 

*before I start, please know I'm uploading all this from a mobile device so if the pictures are out of order I do apologize. 

Here's what you'll need:

-needle and thread
-straight pins

~Put the jeans on and mark where you'd like the skirt to fall. Take them off, lay them flat and cut the legs off. Set them aside for later use. 

~Once the legs have been cut off, it's time to cut out that pesky inseam. (Note: you can leave the extra denim there if you have a seam ripper. I do not, so I cut it off. It makes no impact on the look of the skirt). Now your skirt should lie flat. 

~You will notice that more material is missing from the front than the back. (Jeans have more material in the back for our booties). This isn't a big deal. Just lie them out and cut so the missing material is even. Now into the legs.....

~Take the legs of the denim and cut them in half so that the leg is open.  Cut again. Use the leg of the denim to fill the space missing from the front and back of your skirt. Pin into place. Now comes the fun part....

I hand sewed the denim into the triangle shaped space and removed the pins. Then I pulled out my sewing machine just to reinforce it. If you have mad skills at hand sewing you can just do that. If you have a sewing machine you can just use your machine. It's up to you. I used brown and blue threads for a contrast but again, that is your choice. Once it attached, turn the skirt inside out and trim the excess denim away. Don't worry about the rough edge on the exposed side of the skirt. It will be frayed. Now what about that hem??

~ I'm not going to lie, hemming things is not my specialty, and I personally like the look of a frayed edge. But how do we make that happen? It's all about the wash. Seriously. Wash it and dry it. When it comes out of the washer you will notice long strings. Don't worry about those yet. Once it is dried, bring out your scissors again and trim those long white and blue threads away. You're left with a soft frayed hem and contrast on the exposed surfaces where you sewed the denim

Get creative with it!  Use a contrasting or patterned fabric instead of denim in the   triangular space. If you don't like a frayed hemline, sew on a lace trim!  The possibilities are endless. 

One more fun thing for you. I've noticed that patterned denim is all the rage this season. But did you know you can do it yourself at home?  It's so easy!  Lay your denim out and draw on it with a bleach pen. Seriously it is that simple. I don't have a bleach pen but I do have bleach and q-tips. I used those items to add polka dots to a scrap of denim to show you how quick it can be!  

Remember, be safe with your project. Keeps scissors, needles, bleach and other grown up products out of reach of children. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My apologies

It's been a busy two months since I last posted!  My munchkin is now potty trained, I'm a full time college student, and of course there is regular business to attend to. This is however, no excuse for my silence and I apologize. I have worked on some amazing things lately and am happy to share them with you all. 

So what is everyone doing this summer? We don't have any trips planned, but that doesn't mean we won't take any. My guy is finishing up with school in a few days and will have more free time. I think when he tests in July for his certification, I will throw him a congratulatory cookout/party.  He and his classmates have worked hard for the last year. I hope to expose you all to some wonderful crafters and bakers soon because I have made great friends and connections. 

Don't forget I'm still donating to charities each month on behalf of all my wonderful clients. Comment below to let me know why exciting things you'd like to see. And be sure to tune in tomorrow, when I post a tutorial on turning old jeans into a cute skirt!