Monday, May 26, 2014

New things to offer

I'm exited to let you guys know we can now customize bottle cap images for your projects. On our Facebook page you will find an entire album of things you can have added to bows, necklaces, earrings, key rings and more!  A lot of the Disney images were obtained from a blog site. ( I noted which ones were obtained from that site as well as a link to find the files yourself if you're a fellow crafter looking for cute add-ons to your projects. As for the A-Z letters, those were created by me, from a template file. An author at the freebies blog was very harsh when she discovered that one of my associates posted her images for sale on etsy (as is her right).  I have removed those images as well as bringing it to the attention of the poster. But because my name is the primary one associated with CCBG I am the one in the spotlight and take responsibility for those I allow to post on my behalf.  I want to apologize to you, our fans because it appeared that our business was trying to "scam" others. It wasn't my intention and I am sorry for the negative attention it brought us.

Now that we're beyond that, feel free to look though the album, request any of them to be added to your bows or request something you may not see. I have a lot of resources posts new images constantly, or I can purchase what you desire if it's beyond my scope of creation.

Thank you for your support of CCBG and I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful Memorial Day!  Be sure to pause and remember and thank those who make it possible for you to eat your burgers in the sun.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

DIY Body Wash

I will admit it: I've been on Pinterest entirely too much lately. But I have learned wonderful things to clean green, spring clean, and make my own puppy chews. But today I'm trying out diy body wash. Here's what I used:

Old pump style lotion bottle, rinsed out
Bars of soap, shaved with cheese grater
Homemade hand scrub

So. Grate the soap. Seriously. Your cheese grater will look like this when you're finished:

I grated my soap over a saucepan. I used three travel bars. Seriously. From a hotel we stayed at on our last vacation. Mandarin orange. Then I filled the pan with water and set the heat to Medium. It will be lumpy at first and will need constant stirring. Then it will get a little foamy, like this:

I'm using a slotted spoon so I can tell when all the flakes are melted. Now that they are I've removed the pan from the heat source, turned the burner off and will let it sit for about twenty minutes. While that's resting I'm going to go clean the bathroom. Be back in a few!


So. I cleaned the bathroom and dusted. The mixture isn't completely cooled, but I didn't expect it to be. There was a light film starting to develop on the top but I scraped it off. (Update: research and different methods show that if you add more water during the melting process this film won't develop). Now it looks like this :

Time to take this over to my other supplies:

I'm going to pour the mixture into the lotion bottle. Wish me luck!!


That wasn't so bad. Only a minor spill. If you have a funnel I recommend using it. :)

Now to decide whether or not to add hings. It's a grey soap/body wash as it is but I like to feel great and silly smooth. So I'm going to add one tablespoon of my favorite moisturizing lotion. (The mixture is still hot so this will combine well. I put the pump top back onto the bottle and shook it (over the sink--it will leak slightly) until I felt it was blended. It was after all only one tablespoon into hot liquid. Now to add my homemade body scrub. (Available for purchase at  I'm adding one tablespoon of it, because it has oil in it and I don't want to slip in the tubby!! Again, I repeated the step of putting the pump on and shaking. Now it's ready to use!  You guys hang out here, and I'm going to go try it out!


Ta-da!!!!!!  Out of the tubby and feeling so fresh and clean!  A few notes: bar soaps tend to make my skin feel a little drier than body wash so the reaction I felt after the shower was what I expected it to be. I will use my fave soap next time. (It doesn't make me feel super dry). Most importantly, you know your skin. Go with what you love and remember, it's all an experiment anyway!  Bar soaps are cheaper than body wash so if you're not happy with the result you're not likely to be out very much financially. I leave you with this:  don't write on your lotion bottle with sharpie then place said bottle into tubby. The market will run and you'll end up washing these weird streak away instead of enjoying your tubby!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

DIY Headband Holder

So today I'm going to show you all how to turn a 42 ounce dry oatmeal canister into a cute and sassy headband holder for your princesses and divas!  Here's what you'll need:

-Empty and cleaned oatmeal canister (I'm using quick oats, 42 oz)
-Fabric of your choice
-Adhesive of your choice (I'm using hot glue)
-Ribbon for trim (optional)
-Flowers for embellishment (optional)

First step is to measure and cut your fabric. I was lucky. This scrap of ballerina print left over from an order is the perfect size. Now let's get sticky!

I started with a not so straight line of glue. Then I aligned and pressed the fabric down to smooth the glue and prevent a rough line underneath. 

Next, wrap it around, making sure to stay aligned with your top edge and glue along the entire length of your fabric. (Yes, I only used two strips of glue: one at the start and one at the finish).

I decided to add 3/8" purple grosgrain ribbon at the top as a trim, gluing it all the way around. 

Now let's talk about the bottom. You can trim yours to just the bottom edge so you don't have to glue it or you can glue. Mine was again a practical perfect fit so I opted to glue. Like this:

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I have a total princess. So I decided to add some cute flowers I had on hand. 

Isn't that precious?  Now let's add some headbands!

I opted to add bows, her hair ties and her brush. Because I added flowers, the top went into the recycling bin. 

Very simple, a quick project and it warms my organization loving heart. Have fun with your own or, if you decide it's too much to try just pop on over to Facebook and order one from us!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Something Different

O.k.  So normally I boast and brag about handmade, creative things.  But, I feel obligated to speak about a product that I was given for free.  (Who doesn't love free?!)  Have any of you ever heard of Bzz Agents or Bzz Campaigns?  Well, I signed up about one year ago, and have received different things to try out and review online and to my peers.  This time I received a razor.  It sounds simple enough; a razor is a razor, right?  NOOOOOO.  I beseech you (busting out the big words today) to give this razor a shot.  I don't know about you all, but to me nothing sucks more than shaving in a shower during winter when you're freezing your bum off.  I mean, the water is hot, you shave, you get goose bumps, your hair magically reappears out of nowhere, you shave again and end up cutting yourself or having some form of razor rash or burn.  (Maybe I'm shaving wrong...who knows).  The point is, if you have experienced any type of irritation from any form of shaving, you should really look into the Schick Hydro Silk Sensitive Care.  Yes, that's a large name for a tiny razor but it is SO worth it.  I've been using the razor for about a week now and I love that my arms, legs and intimate areas don't seem to be aware that I'm shaving at all.  The blades are surrounded by this pretty cool moisture thing; it's not just a strip; it surrounds the blades almost like a Venus, but it's not shave soap.  It's moisturizer and soother all in one shot, but I don't feel slimy.  (Did that make any sense?  I have a head cold if it didn't...blame the mucous). 

Anyway, Bzz Campaign sent me the free razor and I felt that I should shout from the roof tops how awesome it is.  A blog is my version of digitally shouting aloud.  Here are some reference links for you to visit if you're interested in the product:

The facebook page:

The product page:

And if you want to become a Bzz Agent and get awesome things:

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Costume Time!

We've passed the halfway point of September and that means it's time for Halloween costumes!  Now I know you've been browsing online prices, in store options and have seen hundreds of costumes on Pinterest. Do you love the ideas on Pinterest but can't find anything suitable in stores?  Do retail prices depress you?  If you answered yes them please imagine there are bright flashing lights and words that say "LOOK NO MORE!!!!" 

Seriously. I adore making tulle costumes. Peacocks, cats, witches, princesses, characters, superheroes and so much more!  Do you want to see some of my work?
From the top left; Alice in Wonderland (child's), Cinderella (adult), Queen of Hearys (adult), Little Red Riding Hood (child's), Rainbow Brite, and My Little Pony. 

I've also done so many more and am working on new ones for this season!  And tutu costumes aren't just for Halloween!  We can also do Santa, Snowmen, Elves, and holiday movie themes as well!  (Nightmare Beore Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, etc). 

The best part is that these costumes are 100% customizeable and durable enough to last through the holiday and endless playtime after!  

Be sure to contact me via facebook ( or email ( for pricing and customization. And remember, all my costume prices include any hair flair/headpieces, and accessories (wings, wands, etc) and can typically be completed within ten days of payment. Coordinating treat bags available at small additional fee. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Apron Tutorial

So thanks to a number of factors, I happen to have an extra men's dress shirt lying around that my Medic can't wear. So I decided to turn it into an apron and show you how!  Now there are many tutorials online that show how to make this, but I don't happen to have all of those links readily available for you. Any duplication of their wording or "steps" is coincidental and unintentional. 
So, do you have a ton of dress shirts laying around that don't fit your husband/boyfriend, dad, grandfather or even son anymore?  Turn it into an apron!  I've alway heard "waste not, want not" and this up cycle is a great way to reuse something. So what do you need?

-men's dress shirt
-needle and thread (or sewing machine)
-straight pins

Now what do you do?
Well, you start with a dress shirt like this:

Then you cut the sleeves and back off. Trim as close as you can to the collar, like so:
When you stand and look at your shirt, this is what you should see:
Now we need to shape the apron. I used a seamstress tape measure but anything with a straight edge will work (ie cutting board, ruler, piece of paper, etc). Lay your straight edge on top of the shirt from armpit to shoulder. 

Because I don't have a rotary cutter, I drew a line to mark what I needed to cut. 

Cut along your line, and flip piece you've just cut onto other side to ensure they're even. 
Draw a line and cut section away. Now you have the basic apron. It's time to make it fictional. For straps you have several options. You can use ribbon, or even a different fabric for a unique look. I opted to use the back of the shirt and cut strips for my ties.
Now it's time to pin all out rough edges. 
I pinned one end of the tie straps so they would have a more finished look. 
Now you can thread your needle, or drag out your machine. I opted for machine. Isn't mine pretty??
I started by sewing my straps first 
Then once they were sewn I did this frustrating thing:
Once they were turned the right way, I pinned them to the inside of the apron. 
Time to sew it all. 
Once all the rough edges were sewn, I trimmed all strings and overhang of fabric. (Because I'm that girl). But once that was completed I had my very own apron!

Many thanks to Pinterest for the inspiration. (Even if those directions are in Russian). Now if I can just find more unwanted dress shirts I can show you how I turned one into a dress for Munchkin!!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Another recommendation

Since you guys don't seem too interested in what I'm doing I thought I would once again make an entry on something I saw on Facebook or Pinterest and tried for myself. So here goes:

Hardwood floor polish. Yes. Hardwood floor polish. Our home is hardwoods throughout aside from the bathroom and lichen of course. But I saw this thing on Facebook, about a recipe for a hardwood floor polish concoction. So I figured why not. This is the recipe:
I made the following changes:  I don't know about the rest of you, but olive oil is expensive!!!!  I can't afford to just toss it on my floors. So I use a different type of oil. Also, I did not have lemon juice in a bottle. But I did have lemons. (Yes, I'm THAT mom). So there I am, literally squeezing lemons in my kitchen and realize three lemons only yielded about one quarter of a cup. So I squeezed a few lines. I thought 'citrus is citrus'. Anyway. I put the oil and lemon/lime juice into my bucket and added very hot water. Then I sloshed it around win my mop. I wrung it out well as stated in the image and began to mop. I mopped all of the hardwood floors in the house and once the floor was dry, snapped an 'after' picture. (Don't worry. I took a 'before' picture as well) This is what I ended up with:
The before picture was taken with natural lighting, and the after was snapped with the overhead light on. But you get the general idea. It is something that I may make a monthly routine but I will need a second mop. This is why:

There are things these Pinterest and  Facebook posts don't tell you. Enter Jenny. 
1) mix concoction well or it will look like you're just swabbing oil into your floor
2) it takes forever to rinse the oil out of your mop so perhaps you use a second mop entirely for polish
3) the bucket will be oily when you're finished. Dawn dish detergent gets the bucket clean. If you can remove your mop head, toss it in the washer alone and add baking soda to your detergent. It helps. 

If you have a better remedy to keep hardwood floors looking awesome, let me know!!!!!!

Oh, I you want something else reviewed just give me a shout. I love this stuff.